Sunday, 6 October 2013

Research into conventions of the thriller genre- Miss Miller

Conventions of the thriller genre

Conventions of a specific genre is important in the recognition of the film you are watching as there are certain things you would expect to see in certain genres. For example, an action film would have the acquired conventions of a hero and a villain; without these we would question the films genre. Theses conventions help to create suspense, mood and feeling which, all keep the audience on their feet and fully engaged in the film. While discovering the thriller genre we see the main conventions of a thriller film consist of low key lighting, close ups, stereotypical blonde female victim, iconography, point of view shot, atmospherical music, non diegetic sound/diegetic sound, hidden identity of killer and handheld shots. These are all used to suit the same purpose which is to make the audience enquire and care about what happens next in the film which, is the main platform a thriller is based on. In my essay I use my own clip to show the conventions of a thriller, their purpose and most importantly the effect on the audience viewing it. 

Making our way through my clip we see that at the immediate beginning low lighting is used until the light is switched on. By having this gradual lightness taking place suspense is created as we experience a sense of the 'fear of the unknown' as we can't see clearly what is happening which then thus adds an element of danger to the clip. However, as we are then given the light, we experience an anticlimax which, is also very common in thriller films as they tend to build up and surprise. Both anticlimax and low key lighting are conventional to a thriller as, danger is assosicated with the dark, adding the sense of danger to the scene and we infer from the anticlimax that there is perhaps something to wait for later on. From this we are then fully alert for lighting changes and surprises.

It is evident who the victim is from the opening of the clip due to the conventions of the victim being left alone, being blonde and being a female. This is also enlightened by the high shot being used to make the character appear inferior to the audience. By using this stereotypical victim straight away the audience can recognise who the character for them to build a relationship is with. By building a relationship with the conventional victim, all the events that happen to the blonde become more impactable to the audience as they sense her vulnerability. She is instantly recognisable as the audience expect her to be the victim due to it being conventional to the genre. This thus shows that by having conventions the film is made to be more free flowing, more understandable and easier to grasp (and enjoy) for the audience. 

Another convention used is a jumpcut when the victim is attacked by the villain. This makes the scene fast passed and exciting for the viewer. As well as this it creates a sense of uncertainty as they don't have a clear view of what exactly is going on as it is not shown for a long enough period of time. This also then suggests that because they don't have a clear view of what is happening, they are then prepared to be shocked as they are uncertain if what will appear in the next shot. This is conventional to a thriller and is used as it keeps the audience on the edge of their seat as they are unaware of what is to follow and are impressed by the uncertainty. 

A combination of digetic and non digetic sound is used in the appearance of the killer. The non digetic sound presented is a creepy, powerful, loud music where as, the digetic sounds is a sharp and painful scream from our victim. Without the non digetic sound we enquire as viewers weather the clip would be scary at all as it adds suspense and atmosphere. However, if the digetic sound wasn't evident perhaps we wouldn't feel as connected with the character as we werent hearing her emotions alongside seeing them. These are both conventional to the thriller genre as music is used to create impact for the audience where as, the sound of the character is used to create relationships thus, making our connection with her and the film greater. 

In conclusion, in my own thriller clip I will use many thriller conventions in order to have the greatest impact on the audience possible. I will take all the conventions into consideration and pick the best ones suited to my storyline, to make the execution of it enjoyable to those viewing it. From this clip I have found the combination of digetic and non digetic sound very powerful and will deffiantly be considering it for my trailer. 


  1. You have shown a strong understanding of the different conventions used within thrillers and their purpose. You have used the PEER format throughout and provided a strong structure and relevant evaluation.

    You need to check spellings of terminologies.
    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include your URL link and screen shots for each point
    2) Check spelling (terminology)

  2. You have used correct spelling at the start of the post for diegetic/non-diegetic but not at the end.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Relate all points back to the thriller genre
    2) Explain how the audience is able to build a relationship with characters through certain conventions and why they may have specific reactions etc.
