Thursday 13 February 2014

As Media Evaluation- Question 7

Question 7-
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
The prelimniary task was a real learning curve for myself as I learnt skills and valuable information that I would use later on in the filming of my thriller. For example; the camera was very new to myself, and having experienced and getting to grips with it within the premlimary task allowed me to be able to be comfortable and efficent at using the camera when it came to the filming of the thriller. Had we not had the opportuinty for a preliminary task, valuable information would not have been learnt and would have wasted time in our thriller filming process. As well as adding experience, it also allowed us to work and get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses as a group overall, making it easier to set roles for when we were planning our thriller.

When comparing our preliminary task and our thriller, we can clearly see the differences in what we have learnt. The preliminary task now appears as rather basic in comparrison to our thriller, and it is a notable showing of just how much I had learnt in the profession from it to my full product (my thriller). There are clear indication of errors within our preliminary task that had I have known what I do now that I could have fixed. For example, the use of editing was very vivid and the shots do not run smoothly into each other. Now as an individual, I can edit and would have been able to have fixed that error had I have known at the time.

Looking back on my preliminary task we can see that the purpose of it was to prepare me for the task ahead. Reflecting back on the task now, as students we have came a very long way in regards of so many aspects that are regarded within the filming industry. From the preliminary task we learnt a series of things that we were able to carry and incorporate within my final task. Things such as compromising as a group was learnt from the preliminary task as well as, tasks such as setting up the equipment from one shot to the next. Overall the skills learnt within the preliminary task, allowed my  group to really excel within our work. Had we had not had the preliminary task, perhaps our thriller would have not been to our wishes and expectations as we would have not been able to undergo a learning process. As a group we refer to the preliminary task as a real eye opener for us all as to what our thriller process was going to be like.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 7, demonstrates a basic understanding of how you developed from your preliminary task to your main task. You have made a start in considering your strengths and weaknesses, however these need to be explored and developed in a lot more detail, by referring to detailed examples throughout.
