Thursday, 13 February 2014

As Media Evaluation- Question Four

Question 4-
Who would be the audience for your media product?

As we can see from my video, in the film industry, recognising and appealing to your chosen target audience is extremely important as ultimately they will be the people watching and viewing your film. Recognising our target audience early on in the pre-production process was vital as it determined the content of our thriller film. For example: a film that is aimed at young children will contain different content than one that is aimed at adults in their mid twentys.  The aim is to get your target audience to be able to relate to what is going on in the film.

Taking this into account,  after conducting a survey my group concluded that the most generic target audience for a thriller is 15-25 year olds. As my brief was to produce a thriller film, we quickly decided that we would use this age group to keep in with the generic and conventional thriller audience- aiming our thriller at 15-25 but mainly focusing on the teenage audience.

As my target audience are the 15-25 age group, we felt it was important to incorporate a main character who was of this age range. I decided to use Sophie as our main character and victim, as she is 17 and would be considered apart of my target audience. By the audience feeling that Sophie falls into the same category as them, they form a relationship with Sophie. This character and audience relationship allows the audience to feel sorry for Sophie and the events that take place to her as they care about her well being in the thriller. Had Sophie had not been the same age as my target audience of my thriller sequence then the relationship between the audience and my main character may have not been as notable as it was. Watching someone who is their own age enables a sense of worry and fear and with the help of the relatable setting; makes them put themselves in the characters shoes.

I created my narrative in order to link in with my target audience. The storyline of being at a train station with your friends and then being left to travel partially by yourself is something my audience can relate too as they may or would have been in this situation themselves. I also believe my mise en scene helps to attract and appeal my target audience towards my thriller as, we dressed the female and her friend in stereotypical teenager clothes that the audience would wear. This means they can feel as if they have something in common with the main characters and picture the experience in a more realistic light.  Furthermore, using slang like dialogue at the beginning of the clip with my characters makes the audience feel as if they are apart of the conversation as they understand what is being said. These all meant that my thriller appealed to the correct target audience in a positive manner.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 4, demonstrates a basic understanding of how your thriller appeals to your target audience. You have made a start in considering your narrative and how this appeals to your audience, however, further points and discussions are needed throughout, to extend your understanding further.
