Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Thriller Comparison

 Thriller comparison-


From our research and viewing of other thriller films, we could look and discuss weather we felt our thriller sequence was successful. I felt that we have created a successful thriller sequence due to our following of the brief and our including of the thriller conventions. For example: the use of iconography used in our sequence ie. the mask, allowed us to create a typical mysterious identity and therefore lead to a fear of the unkown. It was conventions such as the one stated that I felt made our thriller as succesful as we thought it could be.

The micro elements I felt best showed our cretivity and undersanding of thriller conventions the most was the wide range of camera shots we used. For example: our thriller starts with a high angle shot, then moves into a midshot, then into a longshot of the train carriage. By including a wide range of camera shots we were being conventional to the genre as thriller films tend to enhabite a wide use to show things from all different points of views. Another micro element I felt showed our creativity and understanding of thriller conventions was the use of the blonde female victim. This is stereotypical to a thriller and allowed our audience to imediately realise who the main vicitim was going to be. This then led to them being able to create a relationship with our character from the offset and therefore whatever happening to her being more effective as the audience care about her well being.

If I were to compare my thriller to another successful thriller I would choose to compare it to Scream 3. Having studied and researched Scream 3 as part of my collecting of ideas for our own thriller, I can now see that there are elements that my thriller has in common. The conventions stated such as the use of a blonde female victim, the use of camera shots and the use of iconography were all evident within Scream 3 also. Sound wise, our was notably different as we contain a soundtrack throughout where as, Scream 3 does not. We chose to do this as we felt it hid the natural sounds of the train quite well and added extra suspense and enigma. The use of diagetic sound was also used as we included dialogue throughout, the same way in which Scream did. However, we did include more dialogue than Scream which, could be due to the difference and potrayl of our contrasting narratives. Both thrillers contained contiuity editing and slow editing ie. when our characters getting away from the killer and when the girl in scream is falling. Mise-en-scene contrasted and compared in as series of ways. For example: we both used high key lighting as well as low key lighting in order to show the audience the sudden change of events. However, an example of where we contrasted with Scream 3 was our use of costume as we both dressed our female victim in conventional girly clothes to potray her characteristics to the audience. Overall, our thriller I felt had a great deal of simularites and differences to ones in comparison, met the brief and showed a good understanding of the thriller genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how your thriller sequence is successful, in terms of the micro elements. You have also started to consider another thriller to compare to and have included points on the conventions and micro elements, which supports your understanding well.

    Now aim to include screenshots, to support the points that you have made, which enable you to extend your understanding further.
